Earlier this month, I went to the doctor. My legs were burning, my knees and ankles were weak, and the rest of my body staged a silent protest. Moral of the story, I was fatigued--at least that's what my doctor diagnosed.
My doctor sat me down and told me that I needed to take better care of myself. He pretty much told me that I needed to slow down and "breathe." I promised him I'd listen and, immediately, I left the hospital and started to work on several projects. Then I got sick.
A few weeks after get sick, I decided to listen to my doctor's advice and I slowed down--just a bit--and promised myself (and some friends) that I'd take better care of myself. My first step was to sit in/with nature and breathe. So that's what I did. And here are some pictures to prove it.
Admittedly, the last month has been pretty hard on my body and my spirit, but now I'm committed to taking care of myself, slowing down, and grabbing some good old oxygen.