Starting in February of last year, I battled exhaustion. My body started to revolt against my lifestyle of too many meetings, too much stress, and too little rest. For months, my legs felt like they were on fire. I'd catch myself being so tired that I almost often cried. My mind wasn't as sharp, my body always hurt, and, from time to time, something strange went on in my chest--I'm not sure if my heart was beating irregularly or if my breathing was off. Most nights I'd lie in my bed and wonder if I had anything left; some nights I was convinced that I didn't.
The worst part of the exhaustion hit late-October and stayed for most of November (0kay, okay, most of December). During that stretch, I kind of stopped caring about photography. For about a month I rarely even touched my camera, let alone thought about this website. I was in bad shape. I was angry(ier than usual). I became impatient. I was typically unpleasant to be around.
Thankfully, I have friends who care and forced me to get my life/health together. They pushed me to be wiser about saying "no" and prioritizing my health over others' demands. I'm grateful to God for the people He's placed in my life. Including the people who:
put up with me as I rambled incoherently on account of "brain fog."
checked in on and encouraged me.
told me that my work and ideas were important.
threatened to beat me up if I didn't slow down and go see a doctor.
Now, on the other side of the new year, I find myself in a much better place of balance and discipline. I've started holding myself accountable to getting more rest, eating better, and actually enjoying life. I still have a lot of work I need to do to be in "healthy" state, but I'm definitely in a better position to get there.
Here's to a healthy 2016.